Services Provided by KeselmanIP

KeselmanIP can handle all aspects of IP just as your in-house staff can but at a fraction of the cost. We handle patent filings all over the world, trademarks, copyrights, enforcement, prosecution, asset management, talent acquisition and overall IP group management.

KeselmanIP has provided high quality consulting, advisory and implementation services to multi-million dollar companies. We have advised clients on IP management best practices processes, operations, organization and technology as well as the development and maintenance of work product, training, documentation and tools for use by the IP practice groups.

Allow KeselmanIP Group to become a partner of your organization, a partner that understands the big picture along with all the details and moving pieces involved and allows you to focus on maximizing your business while minimizing the time and effort on your side. Let KeselmanIP Group enhance your efficiency by leveraging best practices, expertise, continuous process review and improvement, managing quality and performance standards by creating creative solutions to your business with a constant analysis of the bottom line, cutting costs and providing solid results with insight, innovation, and integrity.

We provide leadership, resources and guidance. KeselmanIP is accountable, entrepreneurial, accurate, efficient, and results oriented and cost effective. Allows us to be part of your team!

Please contact us for a complete list of services.

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